
how long does a deep teeth cleaning take

Your mouth is the doorway into your body. Clean teeth and healthy gums help you to ensure a healthy life. Your mouth is connected to the rest of your body and reflects the health conditions of your body too. Teeth cleanings are an essential part of maintaining oral health. Here's a preview of what exactly deep teeth cleaning is and what you need to know about it.

What is deep teeth cleaning?

Deep teeth cleaning is a dental procedure often carried by the dental hygienists to clean parts of the teeth like the gum in order to remove periodontal diseases. If you have formed the habit of visiting your dentists regularly at least once in six months, you can prevent undergoing this dental treatment. The American Academy of Period ontology has recommended that adult Americans should undergo periodontal evaluation every year, this will help to determine whether there would be a need for deep teeth cleaning or not.

deep teeth cleaning

deep teeth cleaning

Types of deep teeth cleaning

There are different types of deep teeth cleaning. Type of teeth cleaning you will undergo depends on the healthiness of the gum. It is better that you do not under treat or over treat to ensure you have a healthy gum name given to it depends on the type of treatment.

scaling planing

scaling planing

Scaling and Root Planing

One form of deep cleaning is known as scaling and root planning. It involves the removal of tartar and plagues usually located between the gums and the teeth. Usually dentists utilize such instruments electric ultrasound or by using manual scaling instrument.

Root Planting

Root planting is the other form of deep teeth cleaning. Dentists apply scaling instrument in this procedure in order to do away with the tartar and plague from root pocket. Usually this type of removal procedure does not take more than two visits to the dentist's office to be carried out.

Is deep teeth cleaning necessary?

It is necessary that deep teeth cleaning be performed from time to time. If both plague and tartar are left untouched for a long time, it will provide the breeding ground for bacteria. Bacteria could easily irritate the gum and this can lead to a condition known as gingivitis. When that manifests, you have to consult your dentist who polish and scale your teeth. If you do not take immediate action to treat the problem gingivitis could develop into a periodontal pocket, and they can inflict more damage to the teeth.

When gum disease is not adequately tackled, it destroys the bone structure support, and this could force your teeth to become loose. It is better to treat it early it will damage the teeth structure and the consequence in most cases is not reversible.

There is a common question from several thousands people asking do i really need a deep teeth cleaning?  Dentists recommend deep teeth cleaning in order to treat patients with chronic gum diseases which may lead to severe problems, including teeth loss.

Gum Diseases

Gum disease actually means the inflammation of your gums, due to built-up tartar and bacteria. These diseases have stages, ranging from mild to moderate and acute. The mild form of gum disease is gingivitis- which is the bleeding of gums when you floss or brush them. They can be treated by paying little extra attention to your teeth and brushing and flossing after every meal. The acute stage of gingivitis is Periodontitis. Under the gums, the root of your teeth lies and that's where Periodontitis is hiding. At this stage, the gums have deeper pockets, they bleed more severely and the tartar build-up is high too. That is when you need deep teeth cleaning. Periodontal disease is not only a concern for your oral health but your overall health as well. The bacteria in your mouth are passed on through your body constantly all day and that is the connection between Periodontitis and your systematic health.

When there is no gum disease

Everybody should always aim for this condition because it means that there is no gum bleeding. It is advisable to maintain your teeth every time to prevent diseases from infecting your gum. You can carry out teeth cleaning at least once every year. When you do not suffer from gum disease, it is good for your health because you will not be subjected to such health conditions as dementia and heart diseases. It will further help those with diabetes, as it will minimize complications.

Gingivitis can lead to teeth cleaning

There are different types of gingivitis. This is perhaps the common problem suffered by many people across the country as it is estimated that more than 80 percent Americans are suffering from type 1 gingivitis. You are suffering from this condition when your gum bleeds anytime you flush your teeth. It simply means that it is reacting to disease and infection.



Early periodontists is another form of type of teeth disease that would demand teeth cleaning. This condition is more severe than type 1 gingivitis. At this stage, you are going to experience gum recession. When you start to suffer from gum recession, you should know that the condition is not reversible. Scale and root planing is recommended for this type of problem. It should be done fast enough before it begins to degenerate.

Do i really need a deep teeth cleaning?

The conditions that could require deep teeth cleaning include other forms of periodontitis, which include type 111, IV, and V. These are regarded as moderate to the severe form of periodontitis. Here the severity of the problem would be intensifying. It will escalate to the condition where the gums will not be responding to the medications applied to treat it.

Benefits of deep teeth cleaning

You need deep teeth cleanings for two major reasons. The first reason that you want it is that it would prevent diseases from getting to other important organs of the body. The mouth is an important aspect of the body that requires special care because of the important roles it performs in the body. It is a unique environment where the food we consumed is chewed.

how long does a deep teeth cleaning take

how long does a deep teeth cleaning take

You carry out periodic deep teeth cleaning in order to remove those plague and tartar buildups. Your body does not need these tartars because it is regarded as a foreign invader. Your body uses what it has in your body such as the immune system to fight it off. Teeth cleaning would help your immune system to fight tartar and other foreign invaders in the body.

Deep teeth cleaning procedure

The treatment is also called scaling and root planning. It removes plaque, tartar and bacteria from below the gum, surface of teeth and from the pocket area between the gum and teeth to prevent bone loss that can loosen teeth and can further complicate serious diseases like diabetes and heart problems. The first step in this procedure is called scaling. It is the removal of tartar and plaque, followed by root planning. Root planning is the removal of bacteria, tartar and plaque from the surface of roots of your teeth. This procedure requires a minimum of two visits to your dentist.

Deep teeth cleaning cost

How much does a deep teeth cleaning cost? Almost 85% of the adult population has this disease, so you are not alone. Average price for deep teeth cleaning is about $180-$300 per quadrant. If your dentist recommends you to do it, go for it, because it is worth every penny.

Deep teeth cleaning at home

After the teeth cleaning process, maintaining oral hygiene at home is crucial too. Make sure you brush and floss your teeth daily. Use a soft nylon brush and fluoridated toothpaste daily. Tartar-control toothpaste can be tried too. Always go for ADA-approved products. Use of mouthwashes, like Listerine, is highly recommended too, however, it does not means that you can just rinse of plaque and tartar, brushing and flossing are crucial to your oral hygiene. Eat diets rich in vegetables and Citric acid. Make sure your mouth is not dry, which is a side effect of antihistamines, antidepressants and many other medications. Saliva helps to ward off bacteria, so to keep your mouth wet, chew on sugarless gum or candy.

Deep teeth cleaning side effects

Deep teeth's cleaning is known to have certain side effects too. They include

  • The recession of gums. As the procedure causes the deep pockets to shrink and heal eventually, it might recede your gum by a millimetre or so.
  • The whole procedure leaves the gums swollen and inflamed for a day or two. It gets better with time, though.
  • Gum recession may cause the exposure of root canals, which causes sensitivity to extreme temperatures.
  • It also causes root bleeding which gets fine with the passage of time, the initial days are a bit hard to get on with.
  • Tender gums are another side effect of this process. Brushing should be done gently to avoid further bleeding.

There are some studies, which claimed that deep teeth cleaning might not be the effective solution to removing of diseases. The success you achieve in the process depends on different factors and they include the expertise and the skill of the operator. It also depends on the quality and type of instrument used in the operation.

It could cause the teeth to become very sensitive, this is because the tartar and plague, which are removed, could serve as the teeth-insulating layer. You should not understand this to mean that they are beneficial to the teeth; they are not beneficial to the teeth in any way. It is possible that the patient could develop cracking lips and cold sores after the treatment is carried out. However, this could be solved by rinsing your teeth with antiseptic rinse before you embark on the treatment.

Deep teeth cleaning before and after photos

deep teeth cleaning before after

deep teeth cleaning before after

before after scaling

before after scaling

deep teeth cleaning before and after picture

deep teeth cleaning before and after picture

deep teeth cleaning before after scaling

deep teeth cleaning before after scaling


Deep teeth cleaning are the perfect means of helping patients to manage their teeth diseases. You have to help yourself by checking your teeth regularly and subject to frequent cleaning to avert dangers associated with periodontal diseases.



how long does a deep teeth cleaning take


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